An International Embarrassment

While most conservatives did not have high hopes for the Biden Administration, very few imagined things would get out of control as quickly as they did from the man whose administration promised a return to “normalcy.”

President Biden campaigned on a platform of "honesty and decency," and gave an entire inaugural address centered on the theme of unity. It is unconscionable that his entire agenda has thus far been one focused on identity politics and virtue signaling at the expense of solving the very real issues facing our nation and world.

The tragedy we've seen play out in Afghanistan is just the crescendo in a series of public policy blunders that demonstrate Biden is more interested in being a "citizen of the world" than the Commander and Chief of the United States of America.

How else can one explain his press secretary's statement last week about the Taliban's need to make an "assessment about what they want their role to be in the international community." I am sure it's not just the families of the nearly three thousand Americans who lost their lives in the 9/11 terror attacks that would agree they should have absolutely no role in the international community.

While one of President Trump's major issues was undoubtedly his unfiltered stream of consciousness finding its way on Twitter, at least it was obvious that he was his own man and made his own decisions. We are eight months into the Biden Administration and it's nearly impossible to question the fact that his entire agenda is being run by the radical leftists he has chosen to surround himself with. After all, as they say — personnel is policy.

To win over moderates and independents, Biden promised to improve our economy and "build back better," but so far the only things that seem to have grown are inflation, commodity prices, and the national debt. Although, I suppose after last weekend we can now add America's embarrassment to the list.

The media repeatedly preached in 2020 that a Biden presidency would ensure we had an "adult in the room" that would not only not resort to name-calling, but would demand respect from the international community and restore America's image in the world. Instead, we ended up with a president who is bending the knee to foreign leaders and has repeatedly acted in the interests of other nations over our own -- whether with the Nord Stream 2 pipeline or the disastrous, ill-timed withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Need another example? Just look at how he has sought to “address” rising gasoline prices. Instead of encouraging domestic production, Biden reached out to OPEC+ to plead with them to increase oil production overseas. In what world is it a good idea to rely on hostile foreign nations for our energy when we can employ Americans at home to produce at a much lower cost to the consumer and the environment?

The American public is getting increasingly fed up with waiting for leadership and guidance from our Commander and Chief. A poll released this morning by Rasmussen has Biden’s disapproval at 53%, with 43% “strongly disapproving” of the president’s performance. The average person is much more interested in getting Americans back on their feet after COVID-19 than they are about pronouns and replacing mothers with "birthing people," — and the numbers show.

America and the West cannot continue to cede global leadership, or oppressive forces will continue to fill the void. While America does not need to operate as the world police, we also don't need to signal weakness to our enemies and adversaries.

If a simple virus can cause this much disruption to the status quo, what message do you think our haphazard response sends to China and Russia? Unfortunately, we don't even have to ask. China has shown us. Their own Global Times ran this headline today: "Afghanistan today, Taiwan tomorrow? US treachery scares DPP."

Our enemies sense weakness and are salivating at the notion of coming out on top in a global realignment, and if conservatives, moderates, and independents in the West do not wake up and unify, a vocal minority of leftists are going to serve them our future on a silver platter.


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